Double tunnel plug
Double tunnel plug

double tunnel plug

Prices of plugs may vary based on size of ear gauges selected from drop down.

double tunnel plug

Made with green anodized over 316L surgical grade stainless steel, these ear gauges range in size from 2 gauge to 5/8" and feature a double flare tunnel design for secure wear and are sold as a set of two for you.


If you're into simple style and cool colors then you will love this pair of double flare plugs. PAIR of Stunning Gold Saddle Double Flare Tunnels/Plugs - Gauges 2g (6mm) thru 1' (25mm) available (15.2k) 11.95 FREE shipping A Pair Of Harley Coaster LOGO BLACK earplug. Green Anodized Steel Double Flare Tunnel Plug Set 4mm-16mm This is how BLife started Monopolystore.1638180225098 Green Anodized Steel Double Flare Tunnel Plug Set 4mm-16mm ////6.99 USD InStock PLUG Tunnel 0 Gauge Plugs 00 Gauge Plugs 12mm Plugs 16mm Plugs 2 Gauge Plugs 4 Gauge Plugs 4/20 Friendly Styles 6 Gauge Plugs All BFCM blowout BOGO Sale Buy 3 Get 3 Free SALE Ear Friendsgiving sale Holiday Body Jewelry New New Body Jewelry Plugs Plugs / Tunnels on Sale Promotion-No Gold Promotion-No Gold X Sale St Patrick's Day Jewelry Top Sellers Tunnels Under $10 Sale _nosearch_ Nav: Plugs Product Details The Double Tunnel Plug features two plugs that slightly taper to the tip which makes it one of the most innovative butt plugs available on t. The idea was a real Monopoly Store, one where almost all world versions of the famous party game are available. One day it occurred to him that if he collected these, there must be others with the same passion. Namely Monopoly! He obsessively collected the versions of Monopoly available in Europe for years. A double flared plug is only acceptable for completely healed piercing holes. BLife tried to respond to this, AND WITH SUCCESS !!! BLife managed to claim its place in the industry and has been a known value in the world since its inception! The interest of our manager led to an expansion of our activities. Since June 2016 the story started with an Erotic webshop, more specifically actually a BDSM- & Fetish Webshop! There is a lot of competition in this area, just search Google and you will get millions of hits! Why then this type of webshop? Although there are so many different stores, I noticed a lack of a specific range. Und die klare Version ermöglicht es auch, direkt in die andere Person zu sehen.īLife stands for Best Life E-commerce, located in Pelt, North Limburg. Genau wie unser Tunnel Plug verfügt er auch über das Tunnelloch, das durch den Plug führt und den Weg für verschiedene Spiele frei macht, einschließlich Schmiermitteleinführung, Finger, Wassersport und Spielzeug. Dies macht ihn zu einem der innovativsten Stopfen auf dem Markt.

double tunnel plug

Der Double Tunnel Plug, vier unserer erfahreneren Spieler, verfügt über zwei Stopfen, die sich zur Spitze hin leicht verjüngen. Et, la version claire permet également de voir directement dans l’autre personne. Tout comme notre bouchon de tunnel, il comporte également le trou de tunnel qui va tout au long du bouchon – ouvrant la voie à divers jeux, y compris l’insertion de lubrifiant, les doigts, les sports nautiques et les jouets.


Ouvrez et dites “Ahhhhhh.” Quatre de nos joueurs les plus expérimentés, le Double Tunnel Plug comprend deux bouchons légèrement effilés à la pointe, ce qui en fait l’un des bouchons les plus innovants disponibles sur le marché. En de heldere versie maakt het ook mogelijk om recht in de andere persoon te kijken. Net als onze tunnelplug, heeft deze ook het tunnelgat dat helemaal door de plug gaat – waardoor de weg vrijgemaakt wordt voor verschillende spelmogelijkheden, waaronder het inbrengen van glijmiddel, vingers, watersporten en speelgoed. Vier van onze meer ervaren spelers, de dubbele tunnelplug heeft twee pluggen die enigszins taps toelopen, waardoor het een van de meest innovatieve buttplugs op de markt is. And, the clear version also makes it possible to see right into the other person. Just like our Tunnel Plug, it also features the tunnel hole that goes all the way through the plug – clearing the way for various play including lube insertion, fingers, watersports and toys. Open Up and Say “Ahhhhhh.” Four of our more experienced players, The Double Tunnel Plug features two plugs that slightly taper to the tip which makes it one of the most innovative butt plugs available on the market.

Double tunnel plug